September 3, 2006

Uncommon XHTML Tags, Part 5

Definitions, definitions, definitions! As mentioned in my previous XHTML post, <dfn> </dfn> is the definition term tag. Using the title attribute will give you the text assigned to the attribute as a little message when you hover over the text contained within the definition term tag. Use it when you are mentioning a term for the first time in a web page.

<dfn title="An online diary">blog</dfn> in use:

Then there's the definition list (<dl> </dl>), term (here it's <dt> </dt>, not to be confused with <dfn> </dfn>), and description (<dd> </dd>). You'll want to use this you're listing terms and their definitions in one place. The definition list works like the ordered list (<ol> </ol>) and unordered list (<ul> </ul>).

<dd>An online diary</dd>
<dd>A system of hands-on touching based on the belief that such touching by an experienced practitioner produces beneficial effects by strengthening and normalizing certain vital energy fields held to exist within the body</dd>



An online diary


A system of hands-on touching based on the belief that such touching by an experienced practitioner produces beneficial effects by strengthening and normalizing certain vital energy fields held to exist within the body

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